Our Mission
Afro-Caribbean Technology Exchange (ACTE) is an international, non-profit educational organization dedicated to fostering greater access to skills and equipment in technology for women, teachers, and students of the Afro-Caribbean Diaspora. We hope to forge a positive cross-cultural bridge between Afro-Caribbean and American participants.
Our mission in Jamaica is to increase skills and improve access to technology for schools, teachers, and community-focused organizations. We do this by providing supplies, training, and one-on-one interaction and exchanges with American participants and programs. ACTE colleagues cooperatively participate in activities that further knowledge in technology education, science, community building, alternative energy, and cultural awareness.
ACTE is an exempt organization from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to ACTE are deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Public records available upon request.